Writer’s Block-Busters

when you’ve hit a wall…


Defeat the Blockade!

It’s time for some help brainstorming. From fiction to school essays: I will help you start a story, develop argument angles, jump start your role-playing campaign, help re-starting a project, or figure what to write your application essay about. $20.

  • Submit a short description of your project and where you got stumped.

  • Schedule a 1 hour brainstorming session with me. Choose from Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, Google Hangouts or Facebook Messenger.

  • Receive a recap with highlights of our discussion.

    *TIP: Take your own notes during our consultation as well. Come prepared with specific questions and issues to get the most out of our time together.

Don’t let yourself be defeated. If you have a deadline, writer’s block can cause extreme anxiety.

A second perspective is a great way to break through.

I respond within 24 hours with appointment options.

Always include a copy of any assignment prompts, rules, guidelines, and a brief description of your goals with your request.


Research Blocked

Sometimes, research is harder than you expect. Maybe you are just looking in the wrong place? Tell me your topic and I will be your assistant. $20.

  • Submit a short description of your topic and project.

  • Include all sources you have already found.

  • I will find you 10 sources with correct citations in whichever manual style you need.

  • 30 minute virtual session to discuss. Choose from Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, Google Hangouts or Facebook Messenger.